Village Automotive Group Sells More with Outsell Fuel

“It’s not always the lower price that attracts customers. It’s how you take care of them. It’s the relationship and appealing to their interests. What we do is personalize [our messages] as much as possible based on behavioral data.” -Katie Johnson, corporate marketing manager for Village Chevrolet.
With the help of Digital Traffic Generator, powered by Outsell Fuel, Village Automotive Group in Minneapolis goes beyond demographic data, using behavioral targeting over time to zero in on potential customers with their campaigns.
Johnson says that since using DTG, Village Automotive Group has seen two to three more car sales per month.
“The reporting within the DTG platform is very comprehensive. We also like how you can see the activities of customers and unsold prospects with the program’s Sell More Today reports. We appreciate the check-ins from the team to talk about the store and LMA statistics in addition to sharing best practices.”
Each of the Village Automotive Group dealerships have a specific type of consumer in mind. By monitoring online and offline behavior to understand shopping intensity and brand preferences, Village is able to arm their sales team with the information they need to focus their efforts on customers deepest into the buying process, tailor their sales approach, and close more deals.
“That behavioral data [is] going to be the best thing for us to use in the future, as we learn how to extract that insight as much as possible.”
The key to having behavioral data work for you successfully, says CMO of Outsell, Dan Smith, is to observe behavior “over a longer period of time.”
“It’s important to have a sort of longitudinal view of activity, which tells us that the person is actively looking or shopping. It’s one thing for a person to click an ad by accident or [to show] some brief interest yet have no intention of buying. It’s very different to track that same, reoccurring behavior over time, which suggests [a shopper] might be in market for that product.”
Johnson has seen significant benefits from using a customer engagement platform, such as:
• Expert data management
• Robust predictive & behavioral models
• Orchestrated cross-channel campaigns
• Brand consistency, with flexibility to localize messaging
• Constant learning and continuous improvement
• Transparent reporting for actionable customer insights
Learn more in this recent article from Direct Marketing News featuring Village Automotive Group and Outsell’s Dan Smith – “The Datafication of Marketing”