Rachel Ferrall has been nominated as an Outsell Transformer for INITIATIVE

Rachel Ferrall from the Client Engagement Team has been nominated by Alison LaPoint-Oliver for exemplifying the Outsell Value INITIATIVE

“Fairly new to the role in CET, Rachel has already shown initiative in taking on more work as team members have left. Rachel has just finished learning one partner business and is now having to begin on another, as well as adjusting to a new teammate. Through all of this Rachel still manages to get her work done and to do it well.” – Alison LaPoint-Oliver

Thank you, Rachel, for going above and beyond!

Rachel Ferrall – Client Engagement Team

Follow up with clients/partners to establish value with the Digital Engagement Platform, share best practices, and socialize Outsell’s industry insights.

Raised in the Northern suburbs, college in the country, and currently reside in downtown Minneapolis.
Graduated from University of Minnesota-Morris, studied abroad in the south of France, and currently working on a TEFL certificate at Hamline.

Fun Facts:
Very good at disguises and evasive maneuvers – see pictures
Only had 3 jobs in Minneapolis; all have been in Capella Tower
Love learning languages – volunteer teacher at an ESL program in S. Minneapolis


Outsell Transformers – Outsell Associates who go above and beyond exemplifying the Outsell Values. Learn more about the Outsell Values here.